Clinics We Offer
Antenatal Care.
If you are pregnant or think you might be come in and see one of the doctors who will be happy to discuss your antenatal care and make the necessary arrangement for you to see a Midwife and Obstetrician.
Our doctors are also happy to assist you with any problems or worries you may have before, during or after your pregnancy.
Cervical Smears
All women aged between 20 and 60 years who have ever had sex should have regular cervical smear tests. In Scotland, women in this age group are routinely invited to have a smear test every 3 years. You should contact your doctor if it is more than 3 years since you last had a smear and you have not recently been invited to have a test.
You will be contacted via the post and asked to make an appointment at the practice. Most of our smears are carried out by our specially trained nurses.
Childhood Immunisation
The national immunisation programme outlined below is strongly supported by the doctors and health visitors at the Yellow Practice. If you have any concerns about the immunisations please make an appointment to discuss them. Click here for the recommended schedule.
Chronic Disease Management
The practice nurses offer chronic disease management clinics for patients diagnosed with the following:
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Hypertension
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Stroke
You will be asked to attend the Community Care and Treatment Service based in Beechgrove House for the necessary blood tests
Other Nursing Services
Other services available from the practice nursing team
- Well person checks, cervical smears, smoking cessation advice, dietary advice.
- Memory checks (MMSE).*
- Doppler studies.*
- ECG’s.*
- Cryotherapy (wart) clinics.*
Nursing services are available by appointment. (*Some services require GP referral).
Contraceptive Services
All our doctors would be happy to discuss your contraceptive requirement during normal consultations. We are able to provide advice on all forms of contraception.
Certain types of contraception such as the coil are usually given by the Family Planning Clinic within a pre-booked appointment. The Clinic is conveniently situated within Drumhar Health Centre.
Dr Rosario currently runs an implant clinic - please ask Reception re appointment
Minor Surgical Procedures
Dr Perry carries out most of the surgical procedures in the practice. A wide range is offered such as skin cysts, skin tags and ingrown toe nails. In addition steroid joint and tendon injection is offered.
Dr Perry completed several years of surgical training prior to becoming a GP and completed the membership exams to the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow.
If you would like to discuss any procedures then come in and see Dr Perry and he will make arrangements for this to be done at a later date
Physiotherapy Self-Referral
For advice, information & assessment of muscle and joint problems please ask Reception who can book appointments at our local clinic .